Learn online live instructor-led Micro-services with Spring Boot using Netflix program with multiple hands-on sessions
Micro-services with Spring Boot using Netflix
Learn online live instructor-led Micro-services with Spring Boot using Netflix program with multiple hands-on sessions
Detailed Topics to be delivered
1. Spring Boot Introduction --
What is Spring Boot? Spring boot maven
LAB - Using Spring Boot
2. Spring MVC App using Java Configuration
3. Spring MVC using Boot
Dispatcher Servlet Auto Configuration SpringBoot Servlet Initializer AutoConfiguration of Internal Resource View Resolver WebMvc Auto Configuration Adding Resource Handlers in Boot LAB - Using Spring MVC using Boot
4. Spring MVC REST
Basics of REST Discussion on REST
Architectural principles @ResponseBody @RequestBody HttpMessageConverters
Content Negotiation Exception Handling Pagination Http Entity ResponseEntity
Client using Rest Template UriBuilder
5. Introduction to MicroServices
Problems with Monolithic Application What and
Why Microservices ? Use case for MicroServices
6. Spring Cloud
Overview of Spring cloud and its modules
7. Spring Cloud Config
Configuring Server and client pointing to
configuration file in github @EnableConfigServer HTTP, resource-based API for
external configuration Lab : Using Configuration file configured in github
8. Spring Cloud Eureka
Why DiscoveryServer? How to Create a Eureka
Server using @EnableEurekaServer or @EnableDiscoveryServer How to register
Eureka Client using @EnableEurekaClient or @EnableDiscoveryClient How to look
up a service from Eureka Server LAB : Using Eureka Server and Client
9. Spring Cloud Ribbon
Why ClientSide Load Balancing? What is ribbon
and how to use spring ribbon? LAB : Implementing Client side load balancing
using ribbon
10. Spring Cloud Feign
What is a Feign? Implementing REST Clients in
declarative approach LAB : Implementing REST Client using Feign
11. Spring Cloud Hystrix
What is a circuit breaker? Using Hystrix with
Ribbon and Feign LAB : Using Hystrix as circuit breaker
12. API Gateway and ZUUL
Why API Gateway?What is ZUUL? Implementing
LAB : Using ZUUL to enable proxying
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